II. 使用頻率90%
051 | Come off it! 別裝蒜了:別扯了:住口 | A: I think I failed my exam. B: Come off it! This is the third time you mention it. |
052 | Give me a break! 饒了我吧! | A: It’s only a twenty-minute walk. B: Give me a break! My legs are killing me. |
053 | That’s enough! 夠了! | A: That’s enough. I’ve had enough of you. B: Please let me explain. |
054 | Stop! 停! | A: Stop! You are going to bump that tree! B: Stop yelling! |
055 | Cut it out! 別鬧了(停止打鬥、爭吵等) | A: Cut it out! The baby is sleeping. B: Sorry about that. |
056 | Over the line 太過分了 | A: You better say sorry to her. You are over the line this time. B: She hit me first. |
057 | Where is this? 這是哪裡? | A: Where is this? B: This is the post office. |
058 | It didn’t occur to me 我沒想到…. | A: It didn’t occur to me that I would see you here. B: Neither did I. |
059 | Look over there! 看那兒! | A: Look over there! I think there is a fire. B: I hope that nobody is hurt. |
060 | No way! Absolutely out of the question! 不行;絕不可能 | A: Dad, can I have a party in our house? B: No way! (Absolutely out of the question!) |
061 | Leave me alone. 別煩我 | A: Cheer up and go having some fun. B: Just leave me alone. |
062 | Who is it? 誰呀? | A: Who is it? B: It’s me. Open the door. |
063 | It’s terrible. 糟斃了 | A: How was the movie? B: It was terrible. |
064 | Wait for me. 等等我 | A: We are going to leave now! B: Hey! Wait for me! |
065 | I know what you mean. 我知道你的意思. | A: Do you understand me? B: I know what you mean. |
066 | Can’t help 克制不了;沒辦法控制 | A: Can you stop laughing? B: I can’t help myself. |
067 | Let me tell you… 讓我告訴你…… | A: I don’t know how to get to the station. B: Let me tell you the way. |
068 | Drop in sometime! 有空來坐坐 | A: Bye! See you next time. B: Remember to drop in sometime. |
069 | Let’s get together next time. 下次再約出來聚聚 | A: Wow! What a night! B: Yeah! Let’s get together next time. |
070 | That’s easy for you to say. 你說的倒容易 | A: Remember to keep up your hard work. B: That’s easy for you to say. |
071 | Go ahead. 請便 | A: Excuse me, I want to go to the bathroom. B: Go ahead. |
072 | You’re out of your mind! / You’ve got to be out of your mind! 你瘋嘍! | A: Let’s jump down from here. B: You’ve got to be out of your mind! (You’re out of your mind!) |
073 | You don’t have to tell me. 不用你告訴我(還用你說) | A: You don’t have to tell me. I know already. B: I am just trying to remind you. |
074 | I can’t promise. 我不敢保證 | A: I need you to finish this tonight. B: I can’t promise. |
075 | I can’t complain / I have nothing to complain about 不錯呀!沒啥好抱怨的 | A: Is everything OK here? B: Everything is fine. I can’t complain. |
076 | In short 總而言之 | A: So how was your trip to London ? B: It was great in short. |
077 | In any case 無論如何 | A: We have to get these done in any case. B: I don’t think that we can make it. |
078 | You dare (to) 你敢…. | A: Do you dare to jump off that wall? B: I dare not. |
079 | Welcome! 歡迎你來 | A: Nice to meet you. B: Welcome. Please come in. |
080 | What’s even worse…. 更慘的是…. | A: Tony failed the exam. B: What’s even worse is that his girlfriend wants to break up with him. |
081 | It’s not worth it. 不值得 | A: Should I buy this watch? B: No, it’s not worth it. |
082 | Take a seat. / Be seated. 請坐 | A: Please take a seat, Mr. Wang will be right with you. B: Thank you. |
083 | I am fine. / It couldn’t be better. 我很好;再好也不過了 | A: How are you? B: I am fine, thank you. |
084 | Supposed to 應該是 | A: Where are the books? B: They are supposed to be on the shelf. |
085 | Don’t say anymore. 別再說了! | A: Please don’t say any more. B: I’m sorry! I don’t know that I am bothering you. |
086 | I think we have met somewhere. 我想我們在哪見過 | A: I think we have met somewhere. B: You look really familiar. |
087 | How long do you want us to wait for you? 你要我們等你多久? | A: How long do you want us to wait for you? B: Five more minutes. |
088 | Hurry up! 快一點 | A: Hurry up! You are going to be late for school. B: Coming, coming. |
089 | I’m off (to) 我要去… | A: Where are you going? B: I am off to the bank. |
090 | Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰啊? | A: Move! I want to sit here. B: Who do you think you are? |
091 | Nice to meet you. 幸會、幸會 | A: Nice to meet you! B: My pleasure. |
092 | I don’t mind. 我不介意 | A: Do you mind if I smoke here? B: No, I don’t mind. |
093 | That really burns me up! 那 真 的惹毛我了 | A: Why are you so mad? B: He poured water on me. That really burns me up! |
094 | Good job! / Great job! / Nice going! 幹得好! | A: I got 100 in math! B: Good job! |
095 | Not in your lifetime! 門都沒有 | A: Could I ask you out? B: Not in your lifetime! |
096 | Could you repeat that? 請再重複一遍好嗎? | A: Could you repeat that? I didn’t get it. B: Sure! I will say it again. |
097 | Let it be. 就這樣吧! | A: Should I take out the logo sticker on this page? B: No, let it be. It looks pretty good. |
098 | Come in (請)進來 | A: May I come in? B: Please! |
099 | What are you up to lately? 最近忙些什麼呢? | A: What are you up to lately? B: The same things. |
100 | I am afraid… 恐怕… | A: I am afraid it’s going to rain soon. B: Bring an umbrella with you. |