目前分類:系統相關 (21)
- Jul 25 Mon 2022 10:37
LINUX 解決package ~ is not configured yet
- Dec 29 Sun 2019 00:58
How To Access Your Google Drive on Ubuntu
- Dec 17 Tue 2019 16:10
- Dec 17 Tue 2019 11:07
gsettings 取得 KEY 值
- Oct 24 Thu 2019 13:19
ubuntu 18.04 有線連線出現問號
- Nov 15 Tue 2016 10:05
Ubuntu kernel Version
- Dec 19 Fri 2014 09:47
- Dec 19 Fri 2014 09:43
Solutions for low screen resolution in Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 and VirtualBox
- Dec 02 Tue 2014 13:40
allocation failed: out of vmalloc space - use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.
The Symptom
You are likely here because you tried to boot your computer and one or more kernel drivers failed to load, resulting in one or more of your pieces of hardware failing to work. If you examined your system logs carefully, you may even find some of the following messages appearing amongst all the other chatter that happens during the booting phase:
allocation failed: out of vmalloc space - use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.
You may also see one or more of the following messages:
cx18-1: ioremap failed, perhaps increasing __VMALLOC_RESERVE in page.h
Firstly, do not change things in page.h as suggested--there is a far easier way to fix this once you understand the problem. Fixing this is actually relatively simple, but it's important that you understand what causes it so that you can remedy it correctly.
- Nov 25 Tue 2014 16:00
Reinstall Grub 2 in Fedora 17
Grub 2 is the latest version of Grub. Its still in beta but despite thatl it ships with the most popular linux distros like Ubuntu, Fedora etc.
If you have installed Fedora 17 but some how grub got messed up and you are unable to boot in to Fedora 17Â then follow these steps to Restore or Reinstall Grub 2 in Fdora 17.
Step 1
Boot from the Fedora 17 DVD or Live CD or may be you used USB to install Feodra 17, use any methode just boot using any Fedora 17 media.
- Mar 21 Thu 2013 12:03
fedora 執行更新時排除 Kernel 更新
- Nov 07 Wed 2012 19:02
ubuntu - build kernel modlude
- Aug 29 Wed 2012 11:47
防止 yum 更新 kernel的作法
防止 yum 更新 kernel的作法
因為使用 Oracle DB 的關係,所以CentOS的Kernel版本不能有所變動,但又需要用 yum 來更新軟體的版本,此時要避免更新 kernel 的話,可在 /etc/yum.conf 加入這一行存檔
- Jul 31 Tue 2012 16:39
Looking Fedora 17 “Beefy Miracle” nVidia Drivers Install guide?
This is guide, howto install nVidia proprietary drivers on Fedora 16 and disable Nouveau driver. This guide works with GeForce 6/7/8/9/200/300 series cards.
Fedora 16 nVidia driver installation is not much different from previous Fedora versions. I have tested this guide with a couple computers, so let me know, if you have some problems.
- Jul 02 Mon 2012 15:57
Fedora 16 rc.local
Fedora 16 自定义开机运行脚本
Fedora 16不对rc.local支持,其实只是删除了rc.local文件,如果想在开机时能够运行自己写的脚本,只要新建rc.local文件就可以了,下面让我们来测试下吧:
- Jun 29 Fri 2012 16:50
Fedora Apache2+PHP5+MySQL+phpMyAdmin(LAMP)
- May 09 Wed 2012 15:53
- Oct 30 Sun 2011 12:36
- ubuntu11.04之root登錄
- Jun 02 Wed 2010 19:59
[ubuntu]安裝DHCP server
apt-get install dhcp3-server