5.9 U-Boot 指令介紹
這一節將介紹 U-Boot 中最重要的指令。U-Boot 可配置性非常強,所以并不
你可以使用help 指令來察看根據你的配置所有可用的指令清單。
一些指令的執行依賴于 U-Boot 的配置以及U-Boot 中一些環境變數的定義。
所有的 U-Boot 指令都把匯入的數字當作十六進位的格式。
5.9.1 資訊類指令 bdinfo – 察看開發板資訊
=> help bdinfo
bdinfo - No help available.
bdinfo 指令(簡寫為bdi)將在終端機察看諸如記憶體位址和大小、時鐘頻率、
MAC 位址等資訊。這些資訊在傳遞給Linux 核心一些參數時會用到。
=> bdi
memstart = 0x00000000
memsize = 0x04000000
flashstart = 0x40000000
flashsize = 0x00800000
flashoffset = 0x00030000
sramstart = 0x00000000
sramsize = 0x00000000
immr_base = 0xFFF00000
bootflags = 0x00000001
intfreq = 50 MHz
busfreq = 50 MHz
ethaddr = 00:D0:93:00:28:81
IP addr =
baudrate = 115200 bps
=> coninfo – 察看主控台裝置和資訊
=> help conin
coninfo 指令 (簡寫為conin) 察看可用的控制I/O 裝置資訊。
=> conin
List of available devices:
serial 80000003 SIO stdin stdout stderr
serial 80000003 SIO stdin stdout stderr
‘I’)和匯出(旗標‘O’)功能,而且目前已經指派給3 個標准I/O 流:tdin,
stdout 和stderr。 flinfo – 察看Flash 儲存資訊
=> help flinfo
- print information for all FLASH memory banks
flinfo N
- print information for FLASH memory bank # N
flinfo 指令 (簡寫為fli) 用于抓取可用的flash 儲存資訊(參見后面的Flash
=> fli
Bank # 1: FUJITSU AM29LV160B (16 Mbit, bottom boot sect)
Size: 4 MB in 35 Sectors
Sector Start Addresses:
40000000 (RO) 40008000 (RO) 4000C000 (RO) 40010000 (RO) 40020000 (RO)
40040000 40060000 40080000 400A0000 400C0000
400E0000 40100000 40120000 40140000 40160000
40180000 401A0000 401C0000 401E0000 40200000
40220000 40240000 40260000 40280000 402A0000
402C0000 402E0000 40300000 40320000 40340000
40360000 40380000 403A0000 403C0000 403E0000
Bank # 2: FUJITSU AM29LV160B (16 Mbit, bottom boot sect)
Size: 4 MB in 35 Sectors
Sector Start Addresses:
40400000 40408000 4040C000 40410000 40420000
40440000 40460000 40480000 404A0000 404C0000
404E0000 40500000 40520000 40540000 40560000
40580000 405A0000 405C0000 405E0000 40600000
40620000 40640000 40660000 40680000 406A0000
406C0000 406E0000 40700000 40720000 40740000
40760000 40780000 407A0000 407C0000 407E0000
=> iminfo – 察看映像檔頭部資訊
=> help iminfo
iminfo addr [addr ...]
- print header information for application image starting at
address ''''addr'''' in memory; this includes verification of the
image contents (magic number, header and payload checksums)
iminfo (簡寫為imi) 用于察看像Linux 核心或者ramdisk 之類的映像檔案的
頭部資訊。它察看映像名、類別、大小以及 CRC32 校驗和以驗證檔案沒問題。
=> imi 100000
## Checking Image at 00100000 ...
Image Name: Linux-2.4.4
Created: 2002-04-07 21:31:59 UTC
Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 605429 Bytes = 591 kB = 0 MB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point: 00000000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
跟其他很多指令一樣,imi 指令的精確作業可由U-Boot 的一些環境變數控制
(這兒的是變數verify)。參見后面的詳細介紹。 help – 察看在線輔助說明
=> help help
help [command ...]
- show help information (for ''''command'''')
''''help'''' prints online help for the monitor commands.
Without arguments, it prints a short usage message for all commands.
To get detailed help information for specific commands you can type
''''help'''' with one or more command names as arguments.
help 指令(簡寫為h 或者?)察看在線輔助說明。如果不加任何參數,它會列印
出所有目前U-Boot 可用指令清單。你可以把某一指令名作為help 的參數來獲得
=> help protect
protect on start end
- protect FLASH from addr ''''start'''' to addr ''''end''''
protect on N:SF[-SL]
- protect sectors SF-SL in FLASH bank # N
protect on bank N
- protect FLASH bank # N
protect on all
- protect all FLASH banks
protect off start end
- make FLASH from addr ''''start'''' to addr ''''end'''' writable
protect off N:SF[-SL]
- make sectors SF-SL writable in FLASH bank # N
protect off bank N
- make FLASH bank # N writable
protect off all
- make all FLASH banks writable
5.9.2 儲存類指令 base – 察看或者設定位址偏移
=> help base
- print address offset for memory commands
base off
- set address offset for memory commands to ''''off''''
你可以使用 base 指令(簡寫為ba)來察看或者設定一個“基位址”作為所有
但是,當你重複存取某一特定儲存區域(如一些內嵌式PowerPc 處理器的記憶體)
=> base
Base Address: 0x00000000
=> md 0 c
00000000: feffffff 00000000 7cbd2b78 7cdc3378 ........|.+x|.3x
00000010: 3cfb3b78 3b000000 7c0002e4 39000000 <.;x;...|...9...
00000020: 7d1043a6 3d000400 7918c3a6 3d00c000 }.C.=...y...=...
=> base 40000000
Base Address: 0x40000000
=> md 0 c
40000000: 27051956 50504342 6f6f7420 312e312e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
40000010: 3520284d 61722032 31203230 3032202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
40000020: 2031393a 35353a30 34290000 00000000 19:55:04)......
=> crc32 – 校驗和計算
crc32(簡寫為crc)用來計算在某一範圍記憶體儲區域的CRC32 校驗和。
=> crc 100004 3FC
CRC32 for 00100004 ... 001003ff ==> d433b05b
當后面加了 3 個參數時,此指令會把計算結果儲存在給定儲存位址內。
=> crc 100004 3FC 100000
CRC32 for 00100004 ... 001003ff ==> d433b05b
=> md 100000 4
00100000: d433b05b ec3827e4 3cb0bacf 00093cf5 .3.[.8''''.<.....<.
可以看到,CRC32 的校驗和不僅察看出來了,還儲存在位址為0x10000000
的儲存單元裡。 cmp – 儲存單元比對
=> help cmp
cmp [.b, .w, .l] addr1 addr2 count
- compare memory
使用 cmp 指令你可以比對兩個儲存區域的內容是否一致。這個指令不僅可
以測試由第3 個參數確定的整個區域,還可以在第一個不同的地方停下來。
=> cmp 100000 40000000 400
word at 0x00100004 (0x50ff4342) != word at 0x40000004 (0x50504342)
Total of 1 word were the same
=> md 100000 C
00100000: 27051956 50ff4342 6f6f7420 312e312e ''''..VP.CBoot 1.1.
00100010: 3520284d 61722032 31203230 3032202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 2031393a 35353a30 34290000 00000000 19:55:04)......
=> md 40000000 C
40000000: 27051956 50504342 6f6f7420 312e312e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
40000010: 3520284d 61722032 31203230 3032202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
40000020: 2031393a 35353a30 34290000 00000000 19:55:04)......
跟很多的儲存類指令一樣,cmp 可以釆用不同的長度存取記憶體:可以是
代替,結果是一樣的。如果你想以16bit 或者字資料存取記憶體,你可以用cmp.w
代替;如果是8bit 或者位元組資料,請用cmp.b。
=> cmp.l 100000 40000000 400
word at 0x00100004 (0x50ff4342) != word at 0x40000004 (0x50504342)
Total of 1 word were the same
=> cmp.w 100000 40000000 800
halfword at 0x00100004 (0x50ff) != halfword at 0x40000004 (0x5050)
Total of 2 halfwords were the same
=> cmp.b 100000 40000000 1000
byte at 0x00100005 (0xff) != byte at 0x40000005 (0x50)
Total of 5 bytes were the same
=> cp – 記憶體拷貝
=> help cp
cp [.b, .w, .l] source target count
- copy memory
cp 用來複制儲存單元。
=> cp 40000000 100000 10000
cp 可以使用類別旗標 .l , .w 和.b。 md – 察看儲存單元內容
=> help md
md [.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects]
- memory display
md 釆用十六進位和ASCII 碼兩種形式來察看儲存單元的內容。
=> md 100000
00100000: 27051956 50504342 6f6f7420 312e312e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
00100010: 3520284d 61722032 31203230 3032202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 2031393a 35353a30 34290000 00000000 19:55:04)......
00100030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100070: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100080: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100090: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001000a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001000b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001000c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001000d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001000e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001000f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100100: 3c60fff0 7c7e9ba6 3aa00001 4800000c <`..|~..:...H...
00100110: 3aa00002 48000004 38601002 7c600124 :...H...8`..|`.$
00100120: 7c7b03a6 7c7422a6 7c000278 7c1c23a6 |{..|t".|..x|.#.
00100130: 7c1d23a6 7c1623a6 7c1723a6 7c708aa6 |.#.|.#.|.#.|p..
00100140: 7c788aa6 3c600a00 7c708ba6 7c788ba6 |x..<`..|p..|x..
00100150: 3c600c00 7c708ba6 7c788ba6 3c600400 <`..|p..|x..<`..
00100160: 7c788ba6 3c600200 7c708ba6 7c0002e4 |x..<`..|p..|...
00100170: 4c00012c 3c604000 60630000 38630188 L..,<`@.`c..8c..
00100180: 7c6803a6 4e800020 3c60fff0 60612ec0 |h..N.. <`..`a..
00100190: 9401fffc 9401fffc 38400007 7c5e23a6 ........8@..|^#.
001001a0: 3c400000 60420000 7c5523a6 48000005 <@..`B..|U#.H...
001001b0: 7dc802a6 800e22bc 7dc07214 48019d41 }.....".}.r.H..A
001001c0: 7ea3ab78 4800c05d 00000000 00000000 ~..xH..]........
001001d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001001e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
001001f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
這條指令同樣可以釆用類別旗標 .l, .w 和.b :
=> md.w 100000
00100000: 2705 1956 5050 4342 6f6f 7420 312e 312e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
00100010: 3520 284d 6172 2032 3120 3230 3032 202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 2031 393a 3535 3a30 3429 0000 0000 0000 19:55:04)......
00100030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00100040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00100050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00100060: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00100070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
=> md.b 100000
00100000: 27 05 19 56 50 50 43 42 6f 6f 74 20 31 2e 31 2e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
00100010: 35 20 28 4d 61 72 20 32 31 20 32 30 30 32 20 2d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 20 31 39 3a 35 35 3a 30 34 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:55:04)......
00100030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
=> md.b 100000 20
00100000: 27 05 19 56 50 50 43 42 6f 6f 74 20 31 2e 31 2e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
00100010: 35 20 28 4d 61 72 20 32 31 20 32 30 30 32 20 2d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
=> md.w 100000
00100000: 2705 1956 5050 4342 6f6f 7420 312e 312e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
00100010: 3520 284d 6172 2032 3120 3230 3032 202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 2031 393a 3535 3a30 3429 0000 0000 0000 19:55:04)......
00100030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
=> md 100000
00100000: 27051956 50504342 6f6f7420 312e312e ''''..VPPCBoot 1.1.
00100010: 3520284d 61722032 31203230 3032202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 2031393a 35353a30 34290000 00000000 19:55:04)......
00100030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00100070: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
=> mm – 儲存單元修正(自動增長)
=> help md
md [.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects]
- memory display
=> mm 100000
00100000: 27051956 ? 0
00100004: 50504342 ? AABBCCDD
00100008: 6f6f7420 ? 01234567
0010000c: 312e312e ? .
=> md 100000 10
00100000: 00000000 aabbccdd 01234567 312e312e .........#Eg1.1.
00100010: 3520284d 61722032 31203230 3032202d 5 (Mar 21 2002 -
00100020: 2031393a 35353a30 34290000 00000000 19:55:04)......
00100030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
同樣,這條指令也可以加上類別旗標.l, .w 和 .b :
=> mm.w 100000
00100000: 0000 ? 0101
00100002: 0000 ? 0202
00100004: aabb ? 4321
00100006: ccdd ? 8765
00100008: 0123 ?