



ls -l /dev/fb0 (Enter)

crw-rw---- 1 root video 29, 0 Jan 27 15:32 /dev/fb0


有了這個我們可以play with FrameBuffer了。(一下的作業不一定要在X下,可以在啟動了FrameBuffer的虛擬主控台下)

cat /dev/fb0 > sreensnap

ls -l sreensnap

-rw-r--r-- 1 wsw wsw 6291456 Jan 27 21:30 sreensnap

clear /*清楚螢幕的匯出*/

cat sreensnap > /dev/fb0









int main () {

int fp=0;

struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;

struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;

fp = open ("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);

if (fp < 0){

printf("Error : Can not open framebuffer device\n");



if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,&finfo)){

printf("Error reading fixed information\n");



if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,&vinfo)){

printf("Error reading variable information\n");



printf("The mem is :%d\n",finfo.smem_len);

printf("The line_length is :%d\n",finfo.line_length);

printf("The xres is :%d\n",vinfo.xres);

printf("The yres is :%d\n",vinfo.yres);

printf("bits_per_pixel is :%d\n",vinfo.bits_per_pixel);

close (fp);


struct fb_var_screeninfo
struct fb_fix_screeninfo 兩個資料架構是在/usr/include/linux/fb.h中定義的,裡面有些有趣的值:(都是無象徵式32位的整數)


__u32 smem_len 是這個/dev/fb0的大小,也就是記憶體大小。

__u32 line_length 是螢幕上一行的點在記憶體中占有的空間,不是一行上的點數。

fb_var_screeninfo 中有

__u32 xres __u32 yres xy方向的解析度,就是兩個方向上的點數。

__u32 bits_per_pixel 是每一點占有的記憶體空間。


The mem is :6291456

The line_length is :4096

The xres is :1024

The yres is :768

bits_per_pixel is :32記憶體長度恰好是6M,每行占有4M的空間,解析度是1024x768,色彩深度是32位。細心的你可能已經發現有些不對。螢幕上的點有1024x768786432個,每個點占有32位元。螢幕一共的占有記憶體數為32x78643225165824 就是3145728位元組,恰好是3M但是上面的程式告訴我們有6M的儲存空間。這是因為在現代的圖形系統中大多有緩衝技朮,顯存中存有兩頁螢幕資料,這是方便快速的改變螢幕內容實現動畫之類比對高的要求。關于這種緩衝技朮有點複雜,我們目前先不討論。對于我們來說只有這3M記憶體來存放這一個螢幕的色彩資料。








int main () {

int fp=0;

struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;

struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;

long screensize=0;

char *fbp = 0;

int x = 0, y = 0;

long location = 0;

fp = open ("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);

if (fp < 0){

printf("Error : Can not open framebuffer device\n");



if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,&finfo)){

printf("Error reading fixed information\n");



if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,&vinfo)){

printf("Error reading variable information\n");



screensize = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;


fbp =(char *) mmap (0, screensize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fp,0);

if ((int) fbp == -1)


printf ("Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory.\n");

exit (4);



x = 100;

y = 100;

location = x * (vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8) + y * finfo.line_length;

*(fbp + location) = 100; /* 藍色的色深 */ /*直接賦值來改變螢幕上某點的色彩*/

*(fbp + location + 1) = 15; /* 綠色的色深*/

*(fbp + location + 2) = 200; /* 紅色的色深*/

*(fbp + location + 3) = 0; /* 是否透通*/

munmap (fbp, screensize); /*解除對映*/

close (fp); /*關閉檔案*/

return 0;




struct fb_fix_screeninfo {

char id[16]; /* identification string eg "TT Builtin" */
unsigned long smem_start; /* Start of frame buffer mem *//* (physical address) */
__u32 smem_len; /* Length of frame buffer mem */
__u32 type; /* see FB_TYPE_* */
__u32 type_aux; /* Interleave for interleaved Planes */
__u32 visual; /* see FB_VISUAL_* */
__u16 xpanstep; /* zero if no hardware panning */
__u16 ypanstep; /* zero if no hardware panning */
__u16 ywrapstep; /* zero if no hardware ywrap */
__u32 line_length; /* length of a line in bytes */
unsigned long mmio_start; /* Start of Memory Mapped I/O *//* (physical address) */
__u32 mmio_len; /* Length of Memory Mapped I/O */
__u32 accel; /* Type of acceleration available */
__u16 reserved[3]; /* Reserved for future compatibility */


struct fb_bitfield {
__u32 offset; /* beginning of bitfield */
__u32 length; /* length of bitfield */
__u32 msb_right; /* != 0 : Most significant bit is */
/* right */


struct fb_info {
char modename[40]; /* default video mode */
kdev_t node;
int flags;
int open; /* Has this been open already ? */
#define FBINFO_FLAG_MODULE 1 /* Low-level driver is a module */
struct fb_var_screeninfo var; /* Current var */
struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix; /* Current fix */
struct fb_monspecs monspecs; /* Current Monitor specs */
struct fb_cmap cmap; /* Current cmap */
struct fb_ops *fbops;
char *screen_base; /* Virtual address */
struct display *disp; /* initial display variable */
struct vc_data *display_fg; /* Console visible on this display */
char fontname[40]; /* default font name */
devfs_handle_t devfs_handle; /* Devfs handle for new name */
devfs_handle_t devfs_lhandle; /* Devfs handle for compat. symlink */
int (*changevar)(int); /* tell console var has changed */
int (*switch_con)(int, struct fb_info*);
/* tell fb to switch consoles */
int (*updatevar)(int, struct fb_info*);
/* tell fb to update the vars */
void (*blank)(int, struct fb_info*); /* tell fb to (un)blank the screen */
/* arg = 0: unblank */
/* arg > 0: VESA level (arg-1) */
void *pseudo_palette; /* Fake palette of 16 colors and
the cursor's color for non
palette mode */
/* From here on everything is device dependent */

void *par;


struct fbgen_hwswitch {
void (*detect)(void);
int (*encode_fix)(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix, const void *par,
struct fb_info_gen *info);
int (*decode_var)(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, void *par,
struct fb_info_gen *info);
int (*encode_var)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, const void *par,
struct fb_info_gen *info);
void (*get_par)(void *par, struct fb_info_gen *info);
void (*set_par)(const void *par, struct fb_info_gen *info);
int (*getcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned *red, unsigned *green,
unsigned *blue, unsigned *transp, struct fb_info *info);
int (*setcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
unsigned blue, unsigned transp, struct fb_info *info);
int (*pan_display)(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
struct fb_info_gen *info);
int (*blank)(int blank_mode, struct fb_info_gen *info);
void (*set_disp)(const void *par, struct display *disp,
struct fb_info_gen *info);


struct fb_info_gen {
struct fb_info info;
/* Entries for a generic frame buffer device */
/* Yes, this starts looking like C++ */
u_int parsize;
struct fbgen_hwswitch *fbhw;
/* From here on everything is device dependent */





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