
Packed YUV Formats

Label FOURCC in Hex Bits per pixel Description
AYUV 0x56555941 32 Combined YUV and alpha
CLJR 0x524A4C43 8 Cirrus Logic format with 4 pixels packed into a u_int32. A form of YUV 4:1:1 wiht less than 8 bits per Y, U and V sample.
cyuv 0x76757963 16 Essentially a copy of UYVY except that the sense of the height is reversed - the image is upside down with respect to the UYVY version.
GREY 0x59455247 8 Apparently a duplicate of Y800 (and also, presumably, "Y8  ")
IRAW 0x57615349 ? Intel uncompressed YUV. I have no information on this format - can you help?
IUYV 0x56595549 16 Interlaced version of UYVY (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IY41 0x31345949 12 Interlaced version of Y41P (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IYU1 0x31555949 12 12 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec. This is equivalent to Y411
IYU2 0x32555949 24 24 bit format used in mode 0 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec
HDYC 0x43594448 16 YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32. This is a suplicate of UYVY except that the color components use the BT709 color space (as used in HD video).
UYNV 0x564E5955 16 A direct copy of UYVY registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 UYVY surfaces.
UYVP 0x50565955 24? YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in U0Y0V0Y1 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland. (Awaiting confirmation of component packing structure)
UYVY 0x59565955 16 YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32.
V210 0x30313256 32 10-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb equivalent to the Quicktime format of the same name.
V422 0x32323456 16 I am told that this is an upside down version of UYVY.
V655 0x35353656 16? 16 bit YUV 4:2:2 format registered by Vitec Multimedia. I have no information on the component ordering or packing.
VYUY 0x59555956 ? ATI Packed YUV Data (format unknown but you can get hold of a codec supporting it here)
Y422 0x32323459 16 Direct copy of UYVY as used by ADS Technologies Pyro WebCam firewire camera.
YUY2 0x32595559 16 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
YUYV 0x56595559 16 Duplicate of YUY2
YUNV 0x564E5559 16 A direct copy of YUY2 registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 YUY2 surfaces.
YVYU 0x55595659 16 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
Y41P 0x50313459 12 YUV 4:1:1 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 8 pixels in 3 u_int32s.
Y411 0x31313459 12 YUV 4:1:1 with a packed, 6 byte/4 pixel macroblock structure.
Y211 0x31313259 8 Packed YUV format with Y sampled at every second pixel across each line and U and V sampled at every fourth pixel.
Y41T 0x54313459 12 Format as for Y41P but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
Y42T 0x54323459 16 Format as for UYVY but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
YUVP 0x50565559 24? YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in Y0U0Y1V0 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland.
Y800 0x30303859 8 Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
Y8 0x20203859 8 Duplicate of Y800 as far as I can see.
Y16 0x20363159 16 16-bit uncompressed greyscale image.

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