目前分類:LINUX (57)

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翻譯自 http://gamedevgeek.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-lua/
轉貼自 http://blog.csdn.net/lodger007/archive/2006/06/26/836466.aspx

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Makefile 系統說明


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  • Nov 26 Thu 2009 00:17
  • QEMU

使用QEMU仿真ARM  Linux系统


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大連理工大學LINUX選修課講義 01-02-08 11:12 474p 何斌武

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Linux Kernel程式碼分段解析

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Chapter 15: The inline disease


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     Chapter 13: Printing kernel messages


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Chapter 11: Data structures

         11: 資料結構

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Chapter 9: You've made a mess of it

         9: 你把程式弄的亂七八糟了

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Chapter 7: Centralized exiting of functions

         7: 函式的集中離開

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     Chapter 5: Typedefs

         5: Typedefs

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Chapter 3: Placing Braces and Spaces

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         Linux Kernel Coding Style

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SkyEye詳細安裝使用指南Ver 0.4

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有關本手冊 :
        這是一本AWK學習指引, 其重點著重於 :  

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