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2.1   ATD  

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OpenDataPlane (ODP) 用户指南

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MoChi 架構





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  • Mar 14 Wed 2018 13:32
  • SR-IOV


SR-IOV 技術是一種基於硬體的虛擬化解決方案,可提高性能和可伸縮性。SR-IOV 標準允許在虛擬機器之間高效共用 PCIePeripheral Component Interconnect Express,快速外設元件互連)設備,並且它是在硬體中實現的,可以獲得能夠與本機性能媲美的 I/O 性能。SR-IOV 規範定義了新的標準,根據該標準,創建的新設備可允許將虛擬機器直接連接到 I/O 設備。

SR-IOV 規範由 PCI-SIGhttp://www.pcisig.com 上進行定義和維護。

單個 I/O 資源可由許多虛擬機器共用。共用的設備將提供專用的資源,並且還使用共用的通用資源。這樣,每個虛擬機器都可訪問唯一的資源。因此,啟用了 SR-IOV 並且具有適當的硬體和 OS 支援的 PCIe 設備(例如乙太網埠)可以顯示為多個單獨的物理設備,每個都具有自己的 PCIe 配置空間。

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  • Mar 14 Wed 2018 13:12
  • Serdes



隨著電子行業技術的發展,特別是在傳輸介面的發展上,IEEE1284 USB 介面取代,PATA SATA 取代,PCI PCI-Express 所取代,無一都證明了傳統平行介面的速度已經達到一個瓶頸了,取而代之的是速度更快的序列介面,於是原本用於光纖通信的SerDes 技術成為了為高速序列介面的主流。序列介面主要應用了差分信號傳輸技術,具有功耗低、抗干擾強,速度快的特點,理論上序列介面的最高傳輸速率可達到10Gbps 以上。

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ECI Reference
000000 Represents the default encodation scheme
000001 Represents the GLI encodation scheme of a number of symbologies with characters 0 to 127 being identical to those of ISO/IEC 646 : 1991 IRV (equivalent to ANSI X3.4) and characters 128 to 255 being identical to those values of ISO 8859-1
000002 An equivalent code table to ECI 000000, without the return-to-GLI 0 logic. It is the default encodation scheme for encoders fully compliant with this standard.
000003 ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin alphabet No. 1
000004 ISO/IEC 8859-2 Latin alphabet No. 2
000005 ISO/IEC 8859-3 Latin alphabet No. 3
000006 ISO/IEC 8859-4 Latin alphabet No. 4
000007 ISO/IEC 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic alphabet
000008 ISO/IEC 8859-6 Latin/Arabic alphabet
000009 ISO/IEC 8859-7 Latin/Greek alphabet
000010 ISO/IEC 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew alphabet
000011 ISO/IEC 8859-9 Latin alphabet No. 5
000012 ISO/IEC 8859-10 Latin alphabet No. 6
000013 ISO/IEC 8859-11 Latin/Thai alphabet
000014 Reserved
000015 ISO/IEC 8859-13 Latin alphabet No. 7 (Baltic Rim)
000016 ISO/IEC 8859-14 Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic)
000017 ISO/IEC 8859-15 Latin alphabet No. 9
000018 ISO/IEC 8859-16 Latin alphabet No. 10
000019 Reserved
000020 Shift JIS (JIS X 0208 Annex 1 + JIS X 0201)
000021 Windows 1250 Latin 2 (Central Europe)
000022 Windows 1251 Cyrillic
000023 Windows 1252 Latin 1
000024 Windows 1256 Arabic
000025 ISO/IEC 10646 UCS-2 (High order byte first)
000026 ISO/IEC 10646 UTF-8 (See information above)
000027 ISO/IEC 646:1991 International Reference Version of ISO 7-bit coded character set
000028 Big 5 (Taiwan) Chinese Character Set
000029 GB (PRC) Chinese Character Set
000030 Korean Character Set





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標準平行的PCI介面納入許多遵循PCI匯流排電源管理介面規格的省電功能,因此,除了根聯合體(Root Complex)之外,其他所有的PCIe裝置都必須支援這些省電功能。此外,PCIe定義一套名為主動式電源管理(Active State Power Management, ASPM)的機制。主動式電源管理則是進一步擴充PCI電源的管理規格。ASPM與標準PCI電源管理規格之間的主要差別在於ASPM是自動運作的機制。  

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點陣圖(bitmap)格式是 Windows 採用的圖像檔案儲存格式,在 Windows 環境下運行的所有圖像處理軟件都支持這種格式。Windows 3.0 以前的 BMP 格式與顯示設備有關,因此稱為設備相關點陣圖(Device-Dependent Bitmap, DDB)格式。Windows 3.0 以後的 BMP 格式則與顯示設備無關(Device-Independent Bitmap, DIB),目的是為了讓 Windows 能夠在任何類型的顯示設備上顯示點陣圖檔案。點陣圖檔案的預設副檔名是 BMP 或 bmp。

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  • Dec 10 Tue 2013 10:41
  • EDID


EDID 1.3 資料格式



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DICOM 影像格式標籤 ( Tags ) 分析

要對醫學影像做進一步的處理,就必須了解DICOM 影像的格式與資訊,在DICOM 的影像

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Packed YUV Formats

Label FOURCC in Hex Bits per pixel Description
AYUV 0x56555941 32 Combined YUV and alpha
CLJR 0x524A4C43 8 Cirrus Logic format with 4 pixels packed into a u_int32. A form of YUV 4:1:1 wiht less than 8 bits per Y, U and V sample.
cyuv 0x76757963 16 Essentially a copy of UYVY except that the sense of the height is reversed - the image is upside down with respect to the UYVY version.
GREY 0x59455247 8 Apparently a duplicate of Y800 (and also, presumably, "Y8  ")
IRAW 0x57615349 ? Intel uncompressed YUV. I have no information on this format - can you help?
IUYV 0x56595549 16 Interlaced version of UYVY (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IY41 0x31345949 12 Interlaced version of Y41P (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IYU1 0x31555949 12 12 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec. This is equivalent to Y411
IYU2 0x32555949 24 24 bit format used in mode 0 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec
HDYC 0x43594448 16 YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32. This is a suplicate of UYVY except that the color components use the BT709 color space (as used in HD video).
UYNV 0x564E5955 16 A direct copy of UYVY registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 UYVY surfaces.
UYVP 0x50565955 24? YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in U0Y0V0Y1 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland. (Awaiting confirmation of component packing structure)
UYVY 0x59565955 16 YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32.
V210 0x30313256 32 10-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb equivalent to the Quicktime format of the same name.
V422 0x32323456 16 I am told that this is an upside down version of UYVY.
V655 0x35353656 16? 16 bit YUV 4:2:2 format registered by Vitec Multimedia. I have no information on the component ordering or packing.
VYUY 0x59555956 ? ATI Packed YUV Data (format unknown but you can get hold of a codec supporting it here)
Y422 0x32323459 16 Direct copy of UYVY as used by ADS Technologies Pyro WebCam firewire camera.
YUY2 0x32595559 16 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
YUYV 0x56595559 16 Duplicate of YUY2
YUNV 0x564E5559 16 A direct copy of YUY2 registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 YUY2 surfaces.
YVYU 0x55595659 16 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
Y41P 0x50313459 12 YUV 4:1:1 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 8 pixels in 3 u_int32s.
Y411 0x31313459 12 YUV 4:1:1 with a packed, 6 byte/4 pixel macroblock structure.
Y211 0x31313259 8 Packed YUV format with Y sampled at every second pixel across each line and U and V sampled at every fourth pixel.
Y41T 0x54313459 12 Format as for Y41P but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
Y42T 0x54323459 16 Format as for UYVY but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
YUVP 0x50565559 24? YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in Y0U0Y1V0 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland.
Y800 0x30303859 8 Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
Y8 0x20203859 8 Duplicate of Y800 as far as I can see.
Y16 0x20363159 16 16-bit uncompressed greyscale image.

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  • Dec 09 Fri 2011 10:22
  • LVDS


LVDS高速介面解說飆速介面案例探索之旅(三) 新通訊 20049 月號 43 期《 技術前瞻 》

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